Friday, March 15, 2013


Been battling the flu for a minute, so it's been a while since I've been on the internet.  Anyway here's another one of my boredom thoughts I was thinking about while out of commission.  Not really meant to entertain or serve any real purpose just me being bored while sick.  Enjoy or not. Much love and be blessed. - CJ

So with the songs about cliques coming out recently I thought about the many cliques or groups I've had the pleasure of being a part of.  For those that have not heard them I've included the videos at the bottom of the post. and for those who may not know exactly what a clique is. it's mainly just a group of tightly bonded people or friends. the urban dictionary link(

I've had the pleasure of being a part of many different cliques throughout life being that i'm one of those people who can get along and fit in with just about anybody.  I may not stay in touch with them all, it's never personal it's mainly because I suck at keeping in touch with people.  Despite not keeping in touch much all there's no love loss all are like la familia and when we all meet up or talk it's just like old times.  Anyway enough of all that here's just a few of my many cliques I've been a part of.

The 83 Babies

First cousins one born in February, one in September, and one in October.  Hell on wheels growing up, always together almost every weekend and in the summer and always into something. Siblings were years ahead, cousins were a little older, so the majority of the time it was always us 3 together. 

The Great class of 2001

Was a part of many different groups in High School and I don't have a picture of them seperately so I'ma just roll with the entire class.  Most of us were together since 7th grade and others came in during later years and fit right in.  Alot of people say their class was the best, but we know ours was the best, especially in sports. The most state championships won of any class in St. Jude history.  Yeah we were the shit.

The Best track team ever

Speaking of championships. I'm not one to brag, but numbers don't lie. 3 State championships in 4 years. 6 state records and a true dynasty.  So when I say wasn't nobody f'n with my track clique and I call us the best track team ever, the numbers and championships back it up it's true.

**alright enough of the high school and childhood memories**

The Brotherhood

A group that started back in tech school before I even showed up there. It's kind of like a fraternity. There are members of this group know matter where you go in the air force if they have the same job as you and went to school in Pensacola, more than likely they are a part of the brotherhood or wanted to be in it and were never welcomed into it. Only a select few are welcomed.  It runs so deep that when I went back to Pensacola a couple years ago, I met the person who originally started the brotherhood and of course we automatically clicked and ran through Pensacola together. Yeah this clique will always last no matter where I end up, this is definitely as close to a fraternity as I'll ever be a part of.

No name lol

 Speaking of tech school, shout out to my tech school clique that wasn't a part of the Brotherhood(told you I hung out with everyone) .  My classmates, we helped each other get through tech school and we made it fun when we weren't in class, taking random road trips getting lost, hitting the clubs, and of course throwing epic hotel parties. We had to fight to get one to hang out with us at first but once we finally did she never left. 

The Dorm Crew

Well this group was just a bunch of random(I say random cause it's actually pretty random that some of these people even hung out together, but that's just the CJ effect bringing random people together) people in the dorms in a foreign country hanging out and partying together.  Whether it was random dorm parties, drinking sessions or just looking out for each other to keep each other two steps ahead and stay out of trouble.  I had some of my best times with these people in and out of the dorms.  Our dorms were the best of all of the services, to prove my point, we had Army, Marines, and Navy coming into our dorms just to party and hang out with us. not to mention people that didn't even live in the dorms coming to hang out.

The Trio

The Black guy, the Mexican, and the White guy.  I pretty much did almost everything with this group my last year or so left overseas.  We worked on the same shift,  went out together, hung out almost all the time, Madden games, road trips whatever.  Inside jokes with each other for days.  I had the privelage of breaking them both in once thay got to England and we pretty much just clicked and became the best of friends.  It was pretty much wherever you saw one of us, one or if not the other 2 were guranteed to be somewhere around.  These are my boys for life.  Reunion coming soon. "The Trio" all day everyday.

The Cliq

Another group that was already formed before I arrived.  Once I got to England these dudes welcomed me and helped me get used to being overseas in England by showing me the ropes and introducing me to the way of life over in the UK(a gesture I tried to show to others once they arrived there.. I came in and fit right in with them.  This is my original group that I was with in the UK.  You talk about the trio doing everything together, this group was far beyond that, we took everything to a whole nother level.  we even had a first lady of our group.  While we were all there together, before people started returning to the states we had the UK, the dorms and everywhere we went on lock.  We were known by everyone in town and we enjoyed every single moment of it. Not just associates or people who hung out together, we were TRUE friends who rode together and had each others backs through thick and thin, hell one of us even spent a night in jail with another just so he didn't have to go through that BS arrest alone.  We had a good time everywhere. When we all decided to stop going out for a while we held to it for a few months and started having EPIC house parties at the first ladies house on base.  Cookouts, holiday dinners, birthday celebrations, and return from deployment celebrations, we did it all together. We have stories and memories for days. To steal the words from the song, wasn't "nobody f**ckin with this clique"  Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the livest clique to ever step foot in the UK., Nike, Mike, Casey, CJ, Jae, and our first lady Jay and I can't forget later additions but just as important Cap'n Kirk and Tiff.

**and last but not least**

La Familia

I'm a very loyal person to those closest to me and that I actually call friends.  This last section is dedicated to those who I would do anything for if they ever needed anything from me.  I have all the love in the world for these people and each has had some kind of impact on my life.  Being family is more than blood (disclaimer on that note I'm not putting blood family in here because I love all them the same and I can't put them all on here and I don't want to single anyone out) and all these following people are family to me, la familia as I like to say and I have all the love in the world for each and everyone of them.  Some may have been seen in previous sections in this post, some not and this isn't all of them but just a select few(mainly cause I'm getting sleepy and tired of looking up pictures lol) but without further ado here is my clique La Familia.

If you've seen any of my other post, you already know of Robyn.

My first little sister I ever had, Shorty

Mi amigo Mexicano. 

My Bro Bishop. The creator of the Brotherhood

My Brother til the end Casey 
The homie Nate Dawg

My lil Sis Jay, might as well be the older sis with the advice she gives

My neice Aliza. My homie in England. I miss this girl

The big Homie Nke, big in age short in height
Baby Sis Shana

**And as promised the songs that inspired this random post**

Aint nobody F*ckin with My Cliques!!!!!

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