Monday, January 28, 2013

30 Day Picture Challenge - Day 3

Day 3

A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

I have a few favorite TV shows, I couldn't do just one so I'm going to cheat on this one and do a top 4.  They all have kind of different flavors to them, but all just as good as the other in my opinion. I love them all but if I had to rank them in order of my all time favorite here it is counting down from 4.


The Wire                                                       

No explanation needed I haven't met a person yet, who has seen the wire and isn't a fan. A true classic!


Law and Order SVU

I love SVU. I've seen every episode atleast three times and still will watch it whenever a marathon is on TV Just like I've never seen it before. This used to be #2 on my list but was replaced as soon as I got hooked on this next show.



The hottest and most addicting show on TV right now.  I didn't buy into the hype when it first came out, but I was bored one night and decided to check it out on netflix to see what all the hype was about. By the end of the first two episodes I was hooked.  It is definitely like I said before the best TV show on right now.  If you haven't seen it yet I recommend checking it out, but you have to start from season 1 and I guarantee you will become hooked like everyone else.



Hands down my all time favorite show.  No matter how much I watch Martin(and believe me I watch it alot) it never gets old.  This show is a true classic, I can sit and watch it all day everyday and laugh at every episode non stop.  

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