Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 4

Day 4

A picture of your favorite night

I've had a lot of good nights, but if I had to choose one it would be this one, because this was just a random night we went out just a few of us, of course we met people out, but it was mainly just us few.  We started in the dorms and eventually made our way out into town. From good times starting in the dorms listening to music, joking around, and of course drinking, to trying to do the Madagascar face on the bus on the way to town, to random crazy dancing in the club just having an all around good time. It was just a fun filled drama free night(which were hard to come by sometimes) full of laughs and good times with good people which is why hands down this night was my favorite night.

I can't do just one, so here are just a few pictures from my favorite night. I know I would probably get fussed at for putting some of these on here if the people saw them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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