Sunday, March 3, 2013

Whoppers vs. Maltesers

Not to be taken as anything serious, just me being me, bored and wanting to do a random blog post. Feel free to offer your opinion if you want.  Enjoy or Not. Much love and be Blessed. - CJ

Now for those that don't know Maltesers are what I like to call the Bristish version of Whoppers. You can't find Maltesers, anywhere in the states so many people have never heard of them unless you go across the border to canada they have them, and Vice versa you can't find Whoppers anywhere over there unless you're on an American base.   Now before doing this I did a bit of research(yes I actually did research on a topic this random. Don't judge me) and from my research those who have tried both seem to favor Maltesers better.  Now here's my take on it:

1. If you're eating candy obviously you want it to be sweet.  Unless it's sour candy, most candy is sweet and that's why we love it. I don't think you've ever heard someone say I want some unsweet candy. just sayin.  While still keeping with the Maltness(yep made that word up) of it up Whoppers are sweeter than Maltesers with the perfect combo of chocolate and Malt.  So 1 point to Whoppers.

*Score W-1/M-0

2.  Speaking of chocolate and maltness. It's no secret that European chocolate is far better than any chocolate we could ever produce here in the states, so I want even argue that point. 1 point to Maltesers.  But as far as the Maltness(i love that word) as with the sweetness of it in number 1, if you're eating a malt ball you must enjoy the taste of malt.  The center of a Whopper is rich with malt flavor giving you a lasting flavor that does last a bit longer in your mouth than the other and even has a bit of chewy aspect to it.  It also looks better imo than the center of a malteser.  But do to the perfect combo of the malt and sweetness flavor of it I give the point to Whoppers.

*Score W-2/M-1

3.  The packaging Whoppers come in a variety of packages small cardboard box, a milk carton box. the standard small bag, a tube and even a huge ziiplock type bag.  Whereas the other only as far as I know  only comes in the standard small bag.  I mean come on where's the variety at of presentations. point Whoppers and half point to maltesers for the red wrapper

*Score W-3/M-1.5

4.  Speaking of  variety again, Whoppers offers many different flavors in addition to the standard milk chocolate flavor.  I'm not a fan of the other flavors, only because I prefer the original, but at-least you have different options from white chocolate, strawberry milkshake, reeses, Vanilla and even orange. whereas as far as I know again the other only offers white chocolate as an alternative. Point Whoppers

*Score W-4/M-1.5

5.  Every candy pretty much has something they do for holidays and these two are no different, Whoppers has there Easter egg designs, halloween and even Christmas   Maltesers has their Easter bunny style candy and I'm sure many more for other holidays.  So for holidays and special occasions I consider it a tie. Point both.

*Score W-5/M-2.5

6.  And for all you health nuts out there, although if you're eating candy why would you care(just my opinion)
Whoppers contain 180 calories whereas Maltesers contain 179 calories. 1 calorie really, oh well point Maltesers.

*score W-5/M-3.5

Final score. Whoppers 5- Maltesers 3.5

To each his own. and for me I choose and believe Whoppers are better and my little random score calculation backs it up lol. However give me any kind of Reese's over both of them!!

1 comment:

  1. when Maltesers predated Whoppers by 2 years why does Hersey keep saying Whoppers are the original malted milk balls?
