Saturday, February 9, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 15

Day 15

A picture of something you want to do before you die

Of the long list of things I want to do before I die I guess to single one thing out, it would have to be to attend something I dreamed of participating in ever since I first fell in love with track as a high school athlete.  I obviously never got to participate, because I gave up on that dream(still lowkey upset at myself for doing that).  Despite not being able to participate I still want to attend, just to experience the atmosphere of the worlds greatest athletes in all sports participating and representing their specific country.  Whether it be just as a random fan or there cheering on one of my children if I'm blessed enough to have any and they choose to go that route in their life(which i would hope they would, but I would never force my dreams upon them if they didn't if that's not their dream for theirselves) something I want to do before I die is attend the Summer Olympic Games.

**of course I'm using more than one picture lol**



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