Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm from the south

Just another of my boredom thoughts writings I came up with one day.  It's not meant to really make sense or anything just me being me and bored.  Enjoy or not. Much Love and be Blessed. - CJ

I'm From The South

I may do things a little different from you and others
It's never on purpose, I just can't help it
Because I'm from the South

I may call everyone Sir or Ma'am.
Not just cause I'm in the military
But because I'm from the South

I may act as a gentleman to all women
It's a way of life for me, a true Southern gentleman
Because I'm from the South

I may always try & be kind and gracious to everyone
It comes natural to me, Southern Hospitality at its best
Because I'm from the South

My music may be loud, full of bass, and sometimes slowed down
It may not sound good to you, but for me it's just right
Because I'm from the South

I may talk a little different from everyone else
I'm not the one with the accent, Y'ALL are
Because I'm from the South

I may love my food fried, unhealthy, and in large proportions
Not because I don't care about my health but
Because I'm from the South

You may catch me eating greens mixed w/ cornbread with my hands
Not cause I don't have home-training or know how to use a fork. But
Because I'm from the South

Homemade Red Velvet and pound cake, banana pudding, Peach Cobbler
Are the bests desserts with any meal
Because I'm from the South

I may eat almost every part of a pig from the ears to the feet.
Chitterlings better known as Chitlins too I can't help, I love it
Because I'm from the South

I may cover my grits in salt, pepper and Butter
That's the way they should be eaten, not with sugar
Because I'm from the South

**Enough of food cause I'm getting hungry, But while on the subject of grits**

No offense to any other women out there from all over the states
But there aren't many out there to me who compare to GRITS
Because I'm from the South

I may dislike snow and any weather colder than 65 degrees
90's and triple degrees is actually survivable to me
Because I'm from the South

**and on that note**

You may find me hibernating like a bear in the winter
Waiting patiently for Spring and Summer to hit
Because I'm from the south

You may like your vehicles brand new or small in size
Give me a nice old school vehicle or something large in size
 Because I'm from the South

I may dress a little different than others
Not cause I don't have style, tight clothes just aren't for me
Because I'm from the South

I may just chill in timbs and boots every now and then
But more than likely you can catch me in a pair of 1's or J's
Because I'm from the South

I love watching sports of all kinds
However College Football is a way of life
Because I'm from the South (WAR EAGLE)

You may call me country at times
That's cool I embrace my countriness
Because I'm from the South

I  wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, nothing compares
I will forever love, embrace, and represent it til my dying day

**Houstogomery, Texbama to be exact**
(Houston, Texas Montgomery, Alabama)

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