Wednesday, February 27, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 30

A couple days late, but better late than never.

Well this is one as a few others that I could of went a lot of different ways. With that said although many options i don't think there was really a doubt in my mind where I was going to go with this, from the time I started doing this challenge and peeped down and saw day 30. **I'll do my best to keep this from being an essay lol**

DAY 30

A picture of someone you miss

Sometimes in our lives we are blessed and fortunate to meet someone who touches our life and leaves a special mark on us, a mark that can never be broken, even through years apart.  The person I dedicate day 30 to is the one who did that to me.  She came into my world and completely changed it for me, for the better.  I don't know if I've ever told her, but I truly owe my entire Air Force career to her, because I am a firm believer that had she never came into my life, I would of continued on the downward spiral that I was in and eventually threw my career away getting kicked out, because at the time I didn't have a care in the world, about anything or anyone, myself included and she changed that.  She came into my world and through time helped me grow as a person and want to be better.  We had our ups and downs true, but for some reason she always stuck by me always there no matter what, even through my worst of days.  Through her I learned how to love and what it truly means to love another person unconditionally and give them your all.  No other person in this world has ever been able to give me the feeling of all around happiness that she has, which is probably well not even probably which is the reason I care so much for her.  Good times and wonderful memories all the way from the UK, to the states, even in the middle of the ocean to Bahamas.  And not to mention I can't even watch the movie Crash without memories of us together.  Everything about her and the person she is is missed. She was amazing and special before and now seeing the Woman she has become makes her even more amazing and makes me miss her even more.  It's been 3 years since the last time we saw each other in person and I can honestly say I miss her more than any words could say.  I don't know when I'll be able to see her again, but it can't be soon enough.  So, I choose to use as picture of someone I miss is the person I miss more than anything in this world my queen, love of my life and Endless love Robyn Ella Joanna Walters.

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