Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm from the south

Just another of my boredom thoughts writings I came up with one day.  It's not meant to really make sense or anything just me being me and bored.  Enjoy or not. Much Love and be Blessed. - CJ

I'm From The South

I may do things a little different from you and others
It's never on purpose, I just can't help it
Because I'm from the South

I may call everyone Sir or Ma'am.
Not just cause I'm in the military
But because I'm from the South

I may act as a gentleman to all women
It's a way of life for me, a true Southern gentleman
Because I'm from the South

I may always try & be kind and gracious to everyone
It comes natural to me, Southern Hospitality at its best
Because I'm from the South

My music may be loud, full of bass, and sometimes slowed down
It may not sound good to you, but for me it's just right
Because I'm from the South

I may talk a little different from everyone else
I'm not the one with the accent, Y'ALL are
Because I'm from the South

I may love my food fried, unhealthy, and in large proportions
Not because I don't care about my health but
Because I'm from the South

You may catch me eating greens mixed w/ cornbread with my hands
Not cause I don't have home-training or know how to use a fork. But
Because I'm from the South

Homemade Red Velvet and pound cake, banana pudding, Peach Cobbler
Are the bests desserts with any meal
Because I'm from the South

I may eat almost every part of a pig from the ears to the feet.
Chitterlings better known as Chitlins too I can't help, I love it
Because I'm from the South

I may cover my grits in salt, pepper and Butter
That's the way they should be eaten, not with sugar
Because I'm from the South

**Enough of food cause I'm getting hungry, But while on the subject of grits**

No offense to any other women out there from all over the states
But there aren't many out there to me who compare to GRITS
Because I'm from the South

I may dislike snow and any weather colder than 65 degrees
90's and triple degrees is actually survivable to me
Because I'm from the South

**and on that note**

You may find me hibernating like a bear in the winter
Waiting patiently for Spring and Summer to hit
Because I'm from the south

You may like your vehicles brand new or small in size
Give me a nice old school vehicle or something large in size
 Because I'm from the South

I may dress a little different than others
Not cause I don't have style, tight clothes just aren't for me
Because I'm from the South

I may just chill in timbs and boots every now and then
But more than likely you can catch me in a pair of 1's or J's
Because I'm from the South

I love watching sports of all kinds
However College Football is a way of life
Because I'm from the South (WAR EAGLE)

You may call me country at times
That's cool I embrace my countriness
Because I'm from the South

I  wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, nothing compares
I will forever love, embrace, and represent it til my dying day

**Houstogomery, Texbama to be exact**
(Houston, Texas Montgomery, Alabama)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 30

A couple days late, but better late than never.

Well this is one as a few others that I could of went a lot of different ways. With that said although many options i don't think there was really a doubt in my mind where I was going to go with this, from the time I started doing this challenge and peeped down and saw day 30. **I'll do my best to keep this from being an essay lol**

DAY 30

A picture of someone you miss

Sometimes in our lives we are blessed and fortunate to meet someone who touches our life and leaves a special mark on us, a mark that can never be broken, even through years apart.  The person I dedicate day 30 to is the one who did that to me.  She came into my world and completely changed it for me, for the better.  I don't know if I've ever told her, but I truly owe my entire Air Force career to her, because I am a firm believer that had she never came into my life, I would of continued on the downward spiral that I was in and eventually threw my career away getting kicked out, because at the time I didn't have a care in the world, about anything or anyone, myself included and she changed that.  She came into my world and through time helped me grow as a person and want to be better.  We had our ups and downs true, but for some reason she always stuck by me always there no matter what, even through my worst of days.  Through her I learned how to love and what it truly means to love another person unconditionally and give them your all.  No other person in this world has ever been able to give me the feeling of all around happiness that she has, which is probably well not even probably which is the reason I care so much for her.  Good times and wonderful memories all the way from the UK, to the states, even in the middle of the ocean to Bahamas.  And not to mention I can't even watch the movie Crash without memories of us together.  Everything about her and the person she is is missed. She was amazing and special before and now seeing the Woman she has become makes her even more amazing and makes me miss her even more.  It's been 3 years since the last time we saw each other in person and I can honestly say I miss her more than any words could say.  I don't know when I'll be able to see her again, but it can't be soon enough.  So, I choose to use as picture of someone I miss is the person I miss more than anything in this world my queen, love of my life and Endless love Robyn Ella Joanna Walters.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A part of your family

It's been a while since I've done one of my boredom thoughts and writings.  I don't know whether to call it a poem or just plain words, and certain parts of it may not flow or even go together, but this is my creation and I could care less so here it is.  Enjoy or not. Much Love and Be Blessed. - CJ

Sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
All while silently thinking to myself I want to be a part of that, I should be a part of that
Coming home from work to two smiling faces of a beautiful wife and baby smiling back at me
Waking up each and every day with that same beautiful wife lying next to me in bed
Enjoying the memories of watching a son grow from the time he first entered this world, first steps, first words
Tending to him and taking care of him as he grows and goes through life all the way from a baby to a Man.
Seeing his smile and twinkle in his eyes each and everyday along with his mother make every day worth living
Watching his mother show and give that everlasting undying love that only a mother can give to her son.

Sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
With silent thoughts of wanting to be the provider, security, loving husband and father to that family
Giving me a warm and happy feeling at every thought that I want to be and should be a part of that
Then a sudden sadness sets in that I'm not and as of right now I can't be a part of that family.
Everything happens for a reason, so there is a reason for it all, a reason which I don't or may never know.
With God's blessing, one day my dreams and silent thoughts will all come true, but until that day
I'll keep sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
Waiting patiently for that day when I can silently think to my self how blessed and fortunate I am
To finally be a part of your Family.

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 29

DAY 29

A picture that always makes you smile

Random choice, but if you haven't figured it out yet I'm a very random person.  It's just a picture of myself and a very special person(who may or may not be the subject of day 30 tomorrow) that whenever I see always reminds me of good times and always makes me smile.

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 28

DAY 28

A picture of something you're afraid of

.....fears are often just an illusion - Michael Jordan

I can't say that I fear or am afraid of a lot of things, not that I'm some kind of never scared super brave person or anything like that, because that would be a lie. Truth is we all have something we're afraid of whether we choose to admit it or not.  For me my biggest fear is being a failure at life.  I stress the "at life" part because there are failures that are small in life that I can accept.  To quote MJ twice again "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying" and  "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed"  Failures will happen, but you can't let those failures keep you down, you have to get back up and keep pushing and growing.  No matter how many times in life you may fall, always keep working at it and in the end you will overcome those failures and ultimately succeed. All success comes from previous failures.  So how can I say that and still say that I am afraid of failure?  Well trust me I fully believe that I can overcome small failures, I have and will continue to, because that's just the CJ way, when you fall you have to get back up.  However I do fear that because I'm so hard on myself at times and I have been known to make some bad decisions in my life, there may come a point when a decision or action I've made leads me down a path I can't bounce back from and where I lose everything in life I've worked so hard to obtain, which will ultimately in my belief make me hit rock bottom and consider myself a failure at life. I know that may be a bit extreme and who's to say I can't bounce back from even that point, but let's be honest it would be a very long and difficult journey and with God's help yes it is possible, but the question is would I even bother to put forth the effort.  I'd like to think I would but to be honest i just don't know.  However please believe I'm doing all I can and will continue to do all I can to prevent myself from ever being in that situation, because being a failure at life is something I can not allow myself to ever be. So yeah if I had to say something I'm afraid of it is being a failure at life.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 27

DAY 27

A picture of you and a family member

Me and my beautiful niece Celia.  She actually cried when her mom put that cheerleader outfit on her of that school, which lets me know she is a future Auburn fan.  I'm gonna have to hook her up with some Auburn gear soon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 26

I missed yesterday so here's the second one for today

DAY 26

A picture of something that means a lot to you

Small in size, but that takes nothing away from how much it means to me. It's always the simple and little things in life that mean and matter the most and this is an example.  It sits on my dresser along with pictures and other things that matter to me.  I could go into detail as to why it means so much, but I'm tired and don't feel like typing. So something that means a lot to me is my angel Eeyore that was given to me by an angel on earth.

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 25

Day 25

A picture of your favorite day

My favorite day is pretty easy to pick for me.  It's a single day out of the year that I  have proclaimed a National Holiday that falls on the 9th day of the 9th month that I like to call "Ray Day".  it's the one day of the year where i can and usually do do whatever the f*ck I want without a care in the world. If no other day of the year you can always expect me be all the way turnt up and have the time of my life.  So yeah my favorite day is Ray Day also known as my Birthday. **side note how awesome is it to have your birthday be on 9/9/99 AND 09/09/09, yeah I'm pretty awesome just sayin**

Monday, February 18, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 24

DAY 24

A picture of something you wish you could change

I don't really know how to word this one, but I'll try.  Enough is Enough too many innocent lives are being taken away.  Colleges, movie theaters, events, and now even an elementary school.  It's getting to the point where you can't go anywhere and consider yourself safe.  People worry about sending there children to school, where of all places you would think they are safe.  Come on man, this ish is getting crazy, something needs to be done about it and not that it wasn't bad enough already but an elementary school, those children were no older than 12 years old and no younger than maybe 5. to witness something like that to see their friends lives get taken , no person, especially a young child should ever have to witness or go through an ordeal like that. No parent should ever have to worry that when they send their child off to school they may not ever see them again, you shouldn't have to be worried about your safety when you go to a movie theater, you just shouldn't have to worry about these things and the fact that we are experiencing this more and more it's sad real sad so if I could change one thing it would be that we wake up and end all these random acts of horrific violence.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 22

DAY 22

A picture of something you wish you were better at

Not just better at it cause I don't know how to do it at all, but I wish I did and want to.  So yeah something I wish I was better at is playing musical instruments, more specifically the saxophone and Piano.

Friday, February 15, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 21

DAY 21

A picture of something you wish you could forget

Everything happens for a reason.  Every mistake is a lesson learned and every joy was worth it at that time, so every memory is significant in it's on little way and I gained something from each and ever one good or bad. So on that note a picture of something I wish I could forget is absolutely NOTHING.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 20

DAY 20

A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

I've been blessed to travel a lot of different places, but one place I have not traveled to that I'd love to travel to one day is Jamaica.

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 19

Day 19

A picture and a letter

Uhm yeah wasn't really sure about this one so I went with the best I could do.  It's a picture that was drawn and a letter that was written by the drawer of the picture and a bit of her face sticking out the side lol.  Not sure if that's what was meant, but hey this is my ish and that's how I'm doing it lol.

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 18

Day 18

A picture of your biggest insecurity

I honestly don't really have an insecurity that I can think of, because to be honest I can care less I'm just CJ and I love me some me.  I can't really seeing myself really worried about anothers opinion to feel insecure about it because as the saying goes "those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter" so yeah like I said before I could care less I'm just CJ and I love me some me.

Monday, February 11, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 17

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

This one is kind of hard cause I honestly can't think of anything that has had a huge impact on my life recently. I guess if I had to think of something it would have to be Me.  lol hear me out though.  I had to take a look in the mirror and ask myself CJ what are you doing, you're about to be 30 and what have you done with your life.  I mean yeah you have a good career(if you don't throw it away f'n up), but what else have you done, what happens if all of a sudden you didn't have the air force, what next, what do you do.  Where's your degree, I mean it's free to go to college while you're in the military why not take advantage of it.  What happened to your ambition that you used to have, what happened to you. Yeah the air force is good, but it won't always be there.  It's time CJ, it's time to get your ish back in gear, stop being complacent, get yourself back together and become that ambitious motivated person you used to be. You say you wanted a family no later than 30, well uhm sir I do believe your nearly there. before you can think about that you need to get CJ together cause you done strayed away from it far.  It's time CJ, it's time get your stuff together so you can make good on all you once said for yourself, yeah you might be a little late on some of the things you said, but you still got time and are right on time for the rest.  Yes I occasionally talk to myself to give myself a straightening(kinda like T.I. vs T.I.P), but it was after that talk that I got back back on track, knocked out 9 ccaf credits and only need 6 more to get that degree then its off to Elementary Education. working on getting that family life together(of course that one's not only on me gonna need a little help but I'm doing everything I can do) so yeah something that has had a huge impact on my life recently is ME

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 16

I missed yesterday so I'm going to do 2 today

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you

This person is not only an inspiration to me, but I feel comfortable in saying millions worldwide.  He represents hope and belief that anything is possible and sends a strong message that if you set your mind to it and you are dedicated to achieving something, you can do anything in this world, nothing is unattainable if you believe and have a dream and are willing to work toward it.  If it would of been years ago if you would have asked anyone in this world would there be a person of color ever living in the white house as the POTUS, they probably would of looked at you and laughed and now it's happened.  Although the historical factor of it is inspirational, this person also inspires me through his family life.  When you see the type of love, he has for his family, his wife, his children, you can't help but look up and smile and be proud and inspired.  From his demeanor in which he speaks and carries himself, to his family life, to the historical figure he has become in our society someone who inspires me is my boss, Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Life's too short

This is a quote I've known forever, however I got a little bored and decided to remix it a little bit.  It's a good quote as it is, hopefully I didn't mess it up too bad. Enjoy or not. Much love and be blessed. - CJ

Life is too short to worry about stupid shit or people who are always into shit and trying to bring you down with them. So live YOUR life and have fun. If drinking and partying is your thing then go out and party get drunk. If your the relationship type, then meet someone who's life is about something and fall in love. Never hold your words or thoughts back, say what you want to say.  As long as your not harming yourself or others, do what you wanna do and  makes you happy. Regret nothing because your living your life and at the end of the day you did exactly what you wanted to do at that time, if it didn't turn out the way you wanted live and learn from it and if it made you smile then it was definitely worth it at that time so why regret. And don't let those who don't matter bring you down or stop your shine, because at the end of the day they are and never will be worth your time or frustration. To sum it all up love the life you live and live the life you love. And don't ever let anyone or anything ever stop you from doing that.  Keep smiling and shining.  Love Live Life!!

**this is my tattoo, I didn't creep and find some random tattoo on the internet lol**

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 15

Day 15

A picture of something you want to do before you die

Of the long list of things I want to do before I die I guess to single one thing out, it would have to be to attend something I dreamed of participating in ever since I first fell in love with track as a high school athlete.  I obviously never got to participate, because I gave up on that dream(still lowkey upset at myself for doing that).  Despite not being able to participate I still want to attend, just to experience the atmosphere of the worlds greatest athletes in all sports participating and representing their specific country.  Whether it be just as a random fan or there cheering on one of my children if I'm blessed enough to have any and they choose to go that route in their life(which i would hope they would, but I would never force my dreams upon them if they didn't if that's not their dream for theirselves) something I want to do before I die is attend the Summer Olympic Games.

**of course I'm using more than one picture lol**



30 Day picture Challenge- Day 14

Day 14

A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

I'm a little late, but it's still day 14 on the west coast and in Hawaii so I'm good.

Well I could've went a couple different ways with this one as with others, because their is one person I got a taste of life without and it wasn't that good at all and now that I've somewhat got that person back in my life I plan on never letting them leave again, but enough of that we'll get to that person later on in another day.  The person I chose has been with me my entire life.  Kept me in line when I was younger and was always there to motivate, support, and guide me through out all my ventures.  I owe everything I have to this person, he has helped me become the Man I am today and I know that if I'm half the father and husband that he is, I will be okay.  I'm not ready to think about it yet, but I'm realistic enough to know that there will come a day that he is no longer physically walking this earth with me, but even then he will still and forever be with me everyday so I will never have to worry about him not being in my life.  The person I could never imagine my life without is my father Charles Ray Johnson Sr.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 13

Day 13

A picture of your favorite band or artist

I've been riding with him every since "I'm Serious" and have every cd since then. One of the few artist whose cd's I won't download and will actually go out and buy.  Known by many names from King of the south to Tip my favorite artist hands down is TI.  It's da king Bitch!!!