Monday, February 11, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 17

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

This one is kind of hard cause I honestly can't think of anything that has had a huge impact on my life recently. I guess if I had to think of something it would have to be Me.  lol hear me out though.  I had to take a look in the mirror and ask myself CJ what are you doing, you're about to be 30 and what have you done with your life.  I mean yeah you have a good career(if you don't throw it away f'n up), but what else have you done, what happens if all of a sudden you didn't have the air force, what next, what do you do.  Where's your degree, I mean it's free to go to college while you're in the military why not take advantage of it.  What happened to your ambition that you used to have, what happened to you. Yeah the air force is good, but it won't always be there.  It's time CJ, it's time to get your ish back in gear, stop being complacent, get yourself back together and become that ambitious motivated person you used to be. You say you wanted a family no later than 30, well uhm sir I do believe your nearly there. before you can think about that you need to get CJ together cause you done strayed away from it far.  It's time CJ, it's time get your stuff together so you can make good on all you once said for yourself, yeah you might be a little late on some of the things you said, but you still got time and are right on time for the rest.  Yes I occasionally talk to myself to give myself a straightening(kinda like T.I. vs T.I.P), but it was after that talk that I got back back on track, knocked out 9 ccaf credits and only need 6 more to get that degree then its off to Elementary Education. working on getting that family life together(of course that one's not only on me gonna need a little help but I'm doing everything I can do) so yeah something that has had a huge impact on my life recently is ME

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