Sunday, February 3, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 9

Day 9

A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most

I have a few that I could of used for this one well maybe just 2 legit ones.  I kind of peaked through the rest of the days and I know for sure I'll probably end up using one of them later on in this challenge, so I decided to go with the other one.  My sister from another mister Jimara.  Jay has been someone I can always count on to be completely honest with me no matter what.  We always need that person in our lives who will push us when we need it and give us that kick in da ass and tell us we're fucking up when we are.  Just someone who will be that ear to listen to and will be real with you and tell you what you NEED to hear and not just what you WANT to hear.  Jay has done that for me countless times and has always been like a wiser little sister to me.  She has definitely gotten me through a lot during my time knowing her from career wise to personal wise.  I can always count on her, when I'm in need of some straight forward unbiased real talk advice no matter what the subject.  So yeah someone who has gotten me through alot is Jimara.

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