Saturday, February 9, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 14

Day 14

A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

I'm a little late, but it's still day 14 on the west coast and in Hawaii so I'm good.

Well I could've went a couple different ways with this one as with others, because their is one person I got a taste of life without and it wasn't that good at all and now that I've somewhat got that person back in my life I plan on never letting them leave again, but enough of that we'll get to that person later on in another day.  The person I chose has been with me my entire life.  Kept me in line when I was younger and was always there to motivate, support, and guide me through out all my ventures.  I owe everything I have to this person, he has helped me become the Man I am today and I know that if I'm half the father and husband that he is, I will be okay.  I'm not ready to think about it yet, but I'm realistic enough to know that there will come a day that he is no longer physically walking this earth with me, but even then he will still and forever be with me everyday so I will never have to worry about him not being in my life.  The person I could never imagine my life without is my father Charles Ray Johnson Sr.

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