Monday, February 18, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 24

DAY 24

A picture of something you wish you could change

I don't really know how to word this one, but I'll try.  Enough is Enough too many innocent lives are being taken away.  Colleges, movie theaters, events, and now even an elementary school.  It's getting to the point where you can't go anywhere and consider yourself safe.  People worry about sending there children to school, where of all places you would think they are safe.  Come on man, this ish is getting crazy, something needs to be done about it and not that it wasn't bad enough already but an elementary school, those children were no older than 12 years old and no younger than maybe 5. to witness something like that to see their friends lives get taken , no person, especially a young child should ever have to witness or go through an ordeal like that. No parent should ever have to worry that when they send their child off to school they may not ever see them again, you shouldn't have to be worried about your safety when you go to a movie theater, you just shouldn't have to worry about these things and the fact that we are experiencing this more and more it's sad real sad so if I could change one thing it would be that we wake up and end all these random acts of horrific violence.


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