Friday, February 1, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 7


A Picture of Your Most Treasured Item

**sorry for the long spill, I kind of really got into it in explaining why this is my most treasured item. and keep in mind this is just my opinion you may or may not agree with my interpretation. either way is cool with me**

I'm not as materialistic anymore as I once used to be, so my most treasured item is very simple.  However even when I was materialistic this still ranked high as one of my most treasured items.  It's a cross that contains one of my favorite prayers on it, the Serenity Prayer.  I don't remember where I got it from, but I do know that it goes with me wherever I go whenever I'm traveling away from home for a while.  This has always been one of my favorite prayers, because in my opinion it is truly deep and meaningful for ALL people not just Alcoholics and addicts as is often referenced with.  There are alot of things that may go on in and throughout our lives that we may not be able to change and if we lack the serenity and calmness both physically and mentally to accept those things and not due harm to ourselves  worrying and stressing out over them.  Having Serenity allows us to accept, have peace, and move on with our lives.  However there are and will be somethings we can change in our lives to better ourselves.  Change can be a very difficult thing to do sometimes because we become so used to the way things were and may be a little scared to just change things up.  That's where the Courage comes in because that's all it takes to go ahead and take the steps to change is just a little willingness and courage to push us into making that change in our life and ourselves that needs to be made.  Last nut not least, we often find it hard to distinguish what we are in control of and can change in our lives and what we aren't.  Through Wisdom in time we will lessen the burden in ourselves as we truly begin to accept that we are not in control of certain things in our lives and we just have to let those things be and move on to making the changes to those things that we can control in order to give us true peace and happiness in our lives.

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