Saturday, February 23, 2013

30 Day picture Challenge- Day 28

DAY 28

A picture of something you're afraid of

.....fears are often just an illusion - Michael Jordan

I can't say that I fear or am afraid of a lot of things, not that I'm some kind of never scared super brave person or anything like that, because that would be a lie. Truth is we all have something we're afraid of whether we choose to admit it or not.  For me my biggest fear is being a failure at life.  I stress the "at life" part because there are failures that are small in life that I can accept.  To quote MJ twice again "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying" and  "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed"  Failures will happen, but you can't let those failures keep you down, you have to get back up and keep pushing and growing.  No matter how many times in life you may fall, always keep working at it and in the end you will overcome those failures and ultimately succeed. All success comes from previous failures.  So how can I say that and still say that I am afraid of failure?  Well trust me I fully believe that I can overcome small failures, I have and will continue to, because that's just the CJ way, when you fall you have to get back up.  However I do fear that because I'm so hard on myself at times and I have been known to make some bad decisions in my life, there may come a point when a decision or action I've made leads me down a path I can't bounce back from and where I lose everything in life I've worked so hard to obtain, which will ultimately in my belief make me hit rock bottom and consider myself a failure at life. I know that may be a bit extreme and who's to say I can't bounce back from even that point, but let's be honest it would be a very long and difficult journey and with God's help yes it is possible, but the question is would I even bother to put forth the effort.  I'd like to think I would but to be honest i just don't know.  However please believe I'm doing all I can and will continue to do all I can to prevent myself from ever being in that situation, because being a failure at life is something I can not allow myself to ever be. So yeah if I had to say something I'm afraid of it is being a failure at life.

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