Saturday, February 23, 2013

A part of your family

It's been a while since I've done one of my boredom thoughts and writings.  I don't know whether to call it a poem or just plain words, and certain parts of it may not flow or even go together, but this is my creation and I could care less so here it is.  Enjoy or not. Much Love and Be Blessed. - CJ

Sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
All while silently thinking to myself I want to be a part of that, I should be a part of that
Coming home from work to two smiling faces of a beautiful wife and baby smiling back at me
Waking up each and every day with that same beautiful wife lying next to me in bed
Enjoying the memories of watching a son grow from the time he first entered this world, first steps, first words
Tending to him and taking care of him as he grows and goes through life all the way from a baby to a Man.
Seeing his smile and twinkle in his eyes each and everyday along with his mother make every day worth living
Watching his mother show and give that everlasting undying love that only a mother can give to her son.

Sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
With silent thoughts of wanting to be the provider, security, loving husband and father to that family
Giving me a warm and happy feeling at every thought that I want to be and should be a part of that
Then a sudden sadness sets in that I'm not and as of right now I can't be a part of that family.
Everything happens for a reason, so there is a reason for it all, a reason which I don't or may never know.
With God's blessing, one day my dreams and silent thoughts will all come true, but until that day
I'll keep sitting back from afar watching the love and blossoming of a new family grow each and every day
Waiting patiently for that day when I can silently think to my self how blessed and fortunate I am
To finally be a part of your Family.

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